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McDaan foundation is looking to

fill in the gap of youth

unemployment in Africa.

We understand that youth are among the most formidable source a country has to boost its social and economic development. But with skills mismatch, lack of sufficient education, scarce capital and lack of entrepreneurship, Youth are confined to the poverty margins of the societies threatening the social, economic and political stability in the country.


McDaan foundation is looking at different ways to combat this pervasive problem by looking at initiatives that will be able to lift a substantial large number of youth out of poverty and as a result improve the social and economic well being of entire families, communities and nation.

Why McDaan Foundation



Africa has a youthful population, despite declining fertility rates, the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and high maternal mortality rates, the African population remains the world’s fastest-growing and most youthful. Youth are Africa’s greatest asset; however, this asset remains untapped due to unemployment and underemployment. As a result of the high rates of youth unemployment, a generational cycle of poverty is prolonged leading to higher levels of crime and violence among idle youth.


Africa’s economies are growing at an unprecedented pace—and so is its youth population. Job creation is not keeping up with the youth bulge: By 2050, 400 million people under the age of 25 will be in need of sustainable employment if the continent can expect to continue along its growth trajectory. Today, young people represent more than 50% of the population in Africa, and three out of five unemployed are young.

Youth unemployment initiatives have been implemented nationally, regionally and even at the international level. In spite of all the initiatives, youth unemployment remains rampant and although the greatest responsibility to increase employment opportunities for youth rests with African governments,   Private sector needs to play its part to create and sustain employment opportunities.


To address these critical challenges, McDaan Foundation is working with African governments, international organisations and development organisations to increase and improve young people’s access to financial literacy, entrepreneurship, employment and work readiness in order to engage, empower and equip youth to contribute positively to economic and social growth.


Our Mission



Our mission is to employ innovative ways to combat the pervasive problem of youth unemployment in Sub Saharan Africa. These could be through job creation, technical skills provision which is more market driven and oriented, instilling entrepreneurship skills through training, monitoring and overseeing the businesses to ensure that they not only grow but thrive.

Our Initiatives



Digital Jobs


McDaan foundation is looking at different ways to combat this pervasive problem of youth unemployment and digital jobs are one of such efforts. Digital jobs generally include performing information-based tasks that build the individual's capacity for future work, we will perform these by Connecting youth living in poverty in Africa to data and content processing work from the western world. This initiative will develop the skills and digital literacy that is critical to accessing future job, more importantly it will create ICT powered jobs and consequently improve the well being of those employed, their families and communities.


Creating Franchising Opportunities to African Youth


Franchising is a tried and tested technique that can help grow a business much faster than following a traditional business model. Using our in house franchise expertise and business consultancy, McDaan foundation will liaise with multilaterals, philanthropies and businesses to utilise and scale out business models that have proven successful and implement them in Africa. We will not only assist young people start and manage these franchised micro businesses but will also train, supervise, oversee and guide them to ensure that all businesses established not only grow but thrive


Initiating Small Scale Processing Industries


African growth cannot be sustained without a structural transformation that lifts people from low productivity agricultural and the informal sector to higher productivity activities. With labour cost advantage, abundant natural resources and mass market, SSA has a competitive edge in small scale manufacturing. McDaan Foundation will work with multilateral organisations, financial institutions, manufacturing companies to come up with a structure to enhance the development of operation of small scale industries. Using our in-house capabilities, McDaan Foundation will engage in market research, skills development, access to markets, strategic planning and operational management.


Promoting youth to start-up businesses


From their business ideas to strategies for implementing them, mentorship and seeking seed funding, McDaan Foundation will partner with committed entrepreneur seeking to start and expand by providing a strategic blend of finance and value added business support to allow start-ups and businesses to grow. Our model represents a unique approach to giving start ups access to markets, risk capital, skills through industry experts, financial and operational management, strategic planning, and ability to grow. We are driven by the conviction that an integrated approach is the only way to address the challenges faced by this missing segment. By using a proactive and hands on approach to assist businesses in difficult and risky environment not met by mainstream financial services, we believe we can not only enable businesses to grow but also enable them to graduate and be in a position to access mainstream financial services.


CONTACT McDaan Foundation

Please contact us if you would like any information regarding any of our services, to make a booking or if you have other questions regarding the

members of McDaan Limited.

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Contact Information


Tel:  +44 (0) 118 9588297

Mob: +44 (0) 786 183 7890

Fax:  +44 (0) 118 958 8297

Email: info@mcdaanlimited.co.uk

Our Address


251 A33 Relief Road

Reading Berkshire


United Kingdom

McDaan Foundation




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We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority | 679772


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